The Halfway Point

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Today I am 20 weeks. I entitled this post "The Halfway Point," but if this is anything like my other pregnancies this baby will stay in and cook for as long as it likes. My first child was born at 43 weeks and my second at 41 weeks. Somehow, with this pregnancy, that is really okay with me. Being pregnant for longer sounds more fun than giving birth sooner.

My first two children are 10 years apart. While many people question this, I think it has worked out very well and one of the many benefits of having children with this big of an age difference is the ability to forget about labor. Don't get me wrong, my last labor was empowering, I was well supported, and I felt like a superhero afterwards. Yet, none of those things is enough to get me to go running through the streets screaming, "I can't wait to do this again!" Sometimes I ponder hypnobirth, orgasmic birth, and those amazing women who can quietly and calmly 'breathe their babies out'. As someone who puked my babies out, I'm feel okay with keeping baby in. By the way, to make this perfectly clear, I did not puke a couple times throughout labor. I vomited with every single contraction. I dry heaved as I pushed. My son is two years old. Two years is NOT enough time to forget what labor is like. Labor and birth are empowering, there is no doubt about that. Yet, (note the whine in my voice) I just don't wanna.... As a doula, I talk to moms often about how each baby and each pregnancy is different. Yet still, I fear the puke.

I have decided to post a photo to commemorate the halfway point. Those of you who may have read my post, Cute Belly Pics, might be wondering why. There are a couple of reasons for the photo. First of all, I felt a little left out with all of the great blogs of weekly belly pics. I decided that even though I didn't have week one through forty posted that I should probably have at least one picture by 20 weeks. The other reason is that I received a few new-to-me clothes from some of my friends that I've met through attending local La Leche League meetings and I'm fairly okay with how they're fitting.

Anyone that read my previous posting in which I ranted and raved about my lumpy, untoned skin may be looking at this photo thinking WTF? To that I answer, that is what photo editing is for my dear friends! There is no giant bump missing and I did not redefine my arms or anything. Yet, the lines and crevices that mark my muffin top are well hidden. This is a good thing for everyone involved, I promise!

PS. Dear Breasts, I have noticed that you are unaware of the current situation. I am pregnant...get with it! People will really notice the lumpiness if you do not distract them with your milky voluptuousness soon!!!


Heart Salve said...

After reading your other post I anticipated a big baby bump. I was a monstrosity during my pregnancy. Maternity jeans at 9 weeks.

BK said...

Super cute! You shoulda posted the unedited though ;) who needs all this pressure to be perfect?