Study Released Today

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I found the article while reading one of my favorite blogs listed in my sidebar, Homebirth: A Midwife Mutiny. In her latest post she links to the article which has been released today and published in numerous places. It makes me smile. As a doula and a woman who has had a homebirth and planning another, I am well aware that women not only can, but should eat during labor. I'm just glad a recent study proved it for the medical profession who will quickly close their eyes, cover their ears, and run the other way. After all, insurance still pays those physicians way more for c-sections. Oh well, here's hoping...


chanceofbooks said...

Yup. We need to eat else we have nothing to puke back up :) I meant to comment on your post last week, as I also puked my way through labor and it was pretty much the worst thing for me. I hope this labor is better for you, but I read your post and thought, "Now, THIS is the doula for me :):):):)"