Mickey Batter

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If one was unfamiliar with my son and his two year old language, they might wonder why a child would constantly shout a demand that sounded something like, "Mickey Batter." What that person would need to be aware of is although my toddler appears to know all of the words to his favorite story, "In The Night Kitchen," by Maurice Sendak and reads along with me each time, he insists on calling it "Mickey Batter" or "Mickey in the Batter." He asks for "Mickey Batter" approximately 3,000,000 times a day. I thought it would make my life easier if I got some support with his obsession with naked children in bread dough by finding a reading of one of our favorite books on youtube. I quickly learned he just asks for it twice as much and I can no longer check my email without desperate pleas of "Mickey Batter."

Eventually, I grew tired of listening to the 7 minute story repeated again and again. I begged him to consider another book. He has not formed an attachment with any of my old favorites. I concluded that since he was such a huge fan of Maurice Sendak, perhaps he would permit, "Where the Wild Things Are." ...and it was a huge success! The kid, he digs Maurice Sendak. Now I hear a constant stream of "Mickey Batter" immediately followed by, "Wild Things."

I had heard that a movie was coming out based on the book, "Where the Wild Things Are" so we also checked youtube for the trailer on that movie. My boy is mystified. He may be the only 2 year old camping outside a theatre in true "Star Wars" and "Harry Potter" fashion.


Heart Salve said...

i cannot wait for the movie. it is going to be so awesome!